Engine 0.0.4
Game engine in lua
No Matches


‍A cross-platform embeddable LUA game engine such as ginga, pc, mobile, browser and its own console like a Wii clone.

  • Progressive "Television" Apps _(PWA but is for Brazilian TVs)_
  • Many testing tools _(REPL, Unit Tests, TAS Tests)_
  • Pure functions

Love 2D :heart_decoration: :desktop_computer:

$ ./cli.sh build ./examples/asteroids/game.lua --core love --run

Ginga :brazil: :tv:

$ ./cli.sh build ./examples/asteroids/game.lua --core ginga --run

Browser :globe_with_meridians:

Need a web server to work, use live server in your vscode for development and github/cloudflare pages for production.

$ ./cli.sh build ./examples/asteroids/game.lua --core html5

Platform Support List

core tier plataform
ginga tier 1 TV
love tier 1 Library
repl tier 1 PC
curses tier ? PC
html5 tier 2 Browser
html5_webos tier 2 TV
html5_tizen tier 3 TV
html5_ginga tier ? TV
esp32 tier ? Embed
roblox tier ? Game
raylib tier ? Library
nintendo_gba tier ? Console
nintendo_3ds tier ? Console
nintendo_wii tier 4 Console
nintendo_wiiu tier ? Console
nintendo_switch tier ? Console
playstation_2 tier ? Console

This game engine is open source and free for all uses, focusing on promoting content for our commercial platform.